Thursday, 27 August 2009

Teenage Kicks Volunteers

As Teenage Kicks draws to an end, everyone hear at SkyWay would like to say a huge thank you to all you amazing volunteers that helped make it possible. Thank You!!!!!

This years TK was very different from the previous 7 years with it being held throughout the long summer evenings in August rather than the cold winter nights in October and on the soft, lush astro-turf as opposed to the deadly hard tarmac pitches previously played on. So with such a new format to contend with, the success was all the more satisfying.

As already mentioned the SkyWay team hugely appreciates the time and effort all you volunteers have committed to TK and value you immensely. You offer another dimension to our activities and engagement with the young people of Hackney.

In order to build on this, we would love it if you could use this blog to share with us your ideas and thoughts on how things went, how things could be improved (if even possible), how you engaged with the young people and the lovely SkyWay staff and anything else you fancy talking about (related to TK, preferably). So leave a comment or if you would like to post your own article, just email in order to be added as a contributor.
And just to kick things off, could you please tell us which you preferred; the apples or the oranges?

Thanks again!

For photos, see
For more info, go to

1 comment:

  1. excellent tournament skyway. well done to everyone involved - all the teams, volunteers, staff. see you all next year.


